You can remote control your camera & onscreen display of camera settings, Nikon LiveView (recording coming soon), and Instant import of images into Adobe Lightroom; no waiting for Lightroom to detect the images. This is some really nice software!
This is a free plugin for Lightroom v2. Make sure you make a donation if you like this tool and find it useful. Please give it a try.
David, thanks for bringing this application to my attention. I was just looking for something just like this. I will be donating to this project for sure.
I like the CF option; it gives you a little more sense of security. PC users will appreciate DCam Capture which can also record video. I posted a short review on my blog.
Any chance it works tethered wireless? One can dream . . .
I like this software a lot! I love that it works great with software that I already use and am proficient with (Lightroom)! It is very smooth and simple and does what I need it to do without a lot of extra fuss and confusion. Thanks for sharing this with us DT!
Thanks for the mention of my software. I'm currently working on a much more fully featured (Mac & Windows) version but keep getting distracted by real life.
Unfortunately the limitation of only recording to the PC in liveview mode is a limitation of the camera.
I'm not planning on adding support for Nikon's wireless (as I don't have one) but I am keeping a close eye on WirelessUSB; its technically faster than WiFi and shouldn't need any extra work ... once someone adds Mac support.
If there's any features you particularly like - or dislike - drop me an email via the website and I'll try to make sure the new versions even better
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