Sunday, January 11, 2009

"Memoirs of a Weekend Photographer" Interview

Lawrence Atienza, the creator of the blog "Memoirs of a Weekend Photographer" has just posted a recent interview I did with him on his site. Lawrence is a sharp young guy with fresh ideas and a blog with some nice information.

You can find the interview I did with Lawrence HERE. I hope you enjoy it.

Yesterday was the 7th Small Strobes, Big Results workshop, yesterdays was held here in Denver. We had a full house of shooters all had a great time. I'll be posting about the workshop later this week. I had an opportunity to use The Orbis™ Ring Flash during the workshop and I'll photos to show you when I post about the workshop.

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend. DT


Tanya said...

I am eagerly awaiting the Orbis samples!

Michael Warf said...

All your tease about posting Orbis images has be in anticipation. I hope it worked out as well as you'd hoped!

Wayne said...

Hi David,

Would you ever plan to make a DVD of your workshops? Something similar to David Hobby's Strobist DVD set (which is very good by the way and highly recommended).

Just wondering as I'm a big fan of your videos on Youtube and the results you get.
