My Austrian friend Eric turned me on to this interesting fact. If you use a RadioPopper JRx receiver and a RadioPopper PX Transmitter together, you can get high speed sync. The photo above was shot with the following settings. Nikon D800, ISO 100, 24mm, 1/5000, f/2.8. I am able to get high speed sync using my Lumedyne strobes as well as my new FalconEyes SG-100.
I pick up this FalconEyes SG-100 flash while teaching in Europe last month. You can see a complete review on this product HERE.

Here is the lighting set up for the photo at the top of the page. The battery for the FalconEyes SG-100 has two Sony batteries inside the black box. It gives you a lot of pops.

You can see the RadioPopper Jrx hooked up to the FalconEyes SG-100. This flash is not as powerful as my Lumedynes, I was able to get high speed sync with the Lumedynes up to 1/8000. When my power setting on the Lumedyne was full power, 800ws. At 1/8000 of a second at 800ws I notice a very, very slight shading at the bottom of the frame.