This photograph is from a recent photo shoot for Emcor, Inc. I received this assignment via my agent in New York City.
I have been a contract shooter for Getty Images for more than 15 years. I shoot for Getty about 6 to 8 times a year on various assignments. I am know mostly for my corporate annual report work.
This assignment required that I rent a small studio to complete this shot. The subject in the photo is an engineer at Emcor, his name is Chris, his title is V.P. of CAD engineering. Chris and the table will be striped out of the picture to be placed in a double page spread in Emcor's 2005 annual report.

At this point I should show you the layout I received from the client. There is a special effect they plan to do in post production involving Chris. If you look closely at the comp, you will notice a double or triple ghosting behind the subject. The client also wanted a computer monitor in the shot. He thought the computer could be set on a podium of sorts. He wasn't even certain if it needed to be placed on anything, as it my be stripped out. I suggested to the client to include the table and stool, which does not appear in this particular photo above.
I found the table and chair at my local Toyota dealership, I was there looking at the new hybrid cars. While there, I noticed the furniture and asked if I could barrow them for the shoot. Of course the said yes, as you are seeing them here. I got the monitor at the local Apple Store. It's a 23 inch HD flat screen, the store charged a $130.00 restock fee for the use. When I returned the monitor, I was able to purchase the monitor for myself at a 10% discount. So I have this new monitor!
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